Optimizor War is a gas golf game where you create gas-efficient contracts for 6 challenges.
This game will run for 10 hours, starting at 22:00 UTC on September 28, 2023.
Also, this game is part of Huffathon, and the challenge contracts are deployed on Optimism.
If you submit a contract that uses less gas than the cheapest contract,
your name will be listed on the challenge hex corresponding to the challenge.
There are two types of prizes in this game:
1. At the end of the game, the player whose name appears on the most hexes wins $250.
2. The player whose name is on the hexes for the longest total time wins $250.
It's up to you which one you want to go for.
The score is the sum of the time your name is listed on the hex for each challenge.
As explained in the rules, half of the prize will be awarded to the player with the highest score.
This scoreboard will be frozen at the end of the game.
A list of the 20 most recent solutions in the last 1000 blocks.
Total Solutions: